Kia's Power Tools (KPT) is a very popular set of excellent plugins for Photoshop. You can read more about it's features below or just go to: /demos/kpt/ and run the setup.exe program to install a working demo. This demo is only for Win95/NT users, but other demos and additional product information is avilable at thier web site:

Key Benefits

Infinite "3D" Textures

Unlike any other texture engine on the graphics market, KPT Texture Explorer lets you zoom and pan infinitely through your textures, as well as enhance them with built-in color convolution control. And the revolutionary design to the interface makes this and the rest of the tools as easy as they are powerful.

The Only Gradient Plug-in on the market

While many texture engines, and many kernel-based third-party filters exist for the desktop market, nobody has tried to come up with a solution for complex color blends in image-editing. With the KPT Gradient Designer, complex blends along with a host of other options mean effects that aren't simply shortcuts for traditional methods. Rather, you can create images not possible with any other tools.

Draggable KPT Lens f/x

While the effects with KPT Lens f/x might be simple in their native form (colored noise or smudging), the range of features with Kai's Power Tools, including the draggable "virtual loupe" makes these extensions more versatile than standard kernel-based filters. With settings such as intensity, opacity and apply modes, the KPT Lens f/x functions like a miniature host application.

Real-time Previews

No more waiting. Users know instantly whether or not they want to use a given effect. This reduces production time for professionals and provides the novice with more time to experiment.


At $199.00 for the entire set, Kai's Power Tools 3.0 is by far the cheapest, most powerful extension set on the market. Professinals and novices will find it a painless add-on to a typically costly graphic tool box.

Screen Shots

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